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5:00 P.M. until 7:00P.M.
Linking Employee Behavior to Your Company's Information Security
Syracuse Technology Roundtable presents Jeffrey Stanton with the School of Informaiton Studies with Syracuse Univeristy who will discuss what every manager should know regarding the linking of employee behavior to information security.
Dr. Stanton will provide a compelling look at employee and management behaviors and attitudes regarding information security in the workplace, based upon four years of extensive research that included work with regional Central New York companies.
The research resulted in the recently published book, The Visible Employee: Using Workplace Monitoring and Surveillance to Protect Information Assets - Without Compromising Employee Privacy or Trust, co-authored by Dr. Kathryn Stam, assistant professor at SUNY Institute of Technology.
Dr. Stanton’s presentation will focus on the results of his research and some of the serious ramifications of behavioral lapses related to company information. Practical suggestions for improving workplace information security through better management of behavior will round out this important session.
Managers, employees, and students should all find this to be an extremely informative and entertaining discussion of one of the key business challenges of our time.
5:00 P.M. until 700 P.M.
Open House
We invite you to tour the Syracuse Technology Garen, network and view the beautiful work from local artist.
Incredible artwork will be showcased from students and faculty with Onondaga Community College, Cazenovia College, S.U., ITT Technical Institute and members of the Syracuse Camera Club.
Entertainment will be by professional jazz musicians Mike Lamardo and Colin DeJoseph.
5:00 until 8:00 P.M.
TH3 February Theme at STG: Celebration of Student Art
TH3 is a city wide art open in Syracuse that takes place on the third Thursday of most months. This gallant project, initiated by the Everson Museum and the Delavan Art Gallery, is joined by the most distinctive venues in the city in a grand event to bring the artistic experience to the public. TH3 establishes Syracuse as a city for the arts in this initiative to reachout its local and regional communities.
FEBRUARY THEME: Syracuse Technology Garden will be showcasing and recognizing the artists within Onondaga Community College, Cazenovia College, S.U., LeMoyne, ITT Technical Institute, members of the Syracuse Camera Club, and others let to be announced.
A Project of the Greater Syracuse Chamber of Commerce |